Theme Scripture: Galatians 5:22 "But the fruit of the Spirit is...longsuffering" As we continue with our series, the "Fruit of the Spirit", we come to the topic of longsuffering. Longsuffering is something we do not like to go through. In our modern day society where everything is fast and "high-speed", when it comes to testing and trials and even waiting on God, we think that it should be the same also. We, as human beings, do not like to suffer. We like suffering, as long as we aren't the ones suffering. However, as we are nearing the return of Christ, Jesus is sending out messages to whip his people into shape. God is telling us that in these last days, we will have to have some longsuffering. What is longsuffering anyway? Well, to find that out, just separate the word into two: long and suffering . As a result, longsuffering is the ability to suffer long in spite of persecution and problems, especially when done by other people. It is th...