
Showing posts from January, 2017

A New Era in America

Hello LLIW Family, As I was taking in the fact that Donald J. Trump is our president, the Lord spoke to me. He said: "I have ushered America into a new era. I have put a Cyrus anointing on Donald Trump. I will use Donald J. Trump to lead not only my people, but the people of The United States, into an era of diving breakthrough and prosperity. I will use him to usher America into the third great awakening."    Let us all unite together and began to pray for America, its people, and especially its President. Let us pray that God will bring into consummation what he has said unto his people. Let us pray that Donald Trump will be used and led by God and that he will be an effective President.    Now, I know that some people will say, "Well, Donald Trump is not saved. God cannot use him." However, the Lord said in my Spirit:     "You do not have to be saved in order for me to use you." He brought in my Spirit Numbers 23: 1- 20 when Balaam was told by B...

Happy New Year

Hello LLIW Family,    I know it is a bit late to say this, but to all who live in countries that use the Gregorian Calendar, happy new year! I hope your year is off to a good start. The theme for this year is "Awake... Let's Make It Happen." As you go throughout your year, think about the ways in which you can spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally awaken. The enemy is not afraid of a sleeping giant, but when you awaken the enemy scatters. Whatever your dreams are for this year, step out on faith and it will come to pass. Remember, faith without works is dead (James 2:20).    I encourage you today to awaken. Let us heed the warning God gave us through the Apostle Paul in Romans 13:11-14 which says:           " And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.   The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us t...