Living Life In The Word Lesson 8: Don't Worry About It (Part 3)

Theme Scripture: Psalms 37: 7-9
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass. Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil. For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherent the earth."

    For the past several lessons, we have been talking about trusting in the Lord- specifically confidence and faith. Today, we will continue our series with talking about trust, in the aspects of rest.
    In verse 7, the psalmist tells us to rest in the Lord. Rest is an instance or period of relaxing or ceasing to engage in a stressful activity (aka worrying). It also is an object used to support something. So, when you rest in the Lord, not only do you stop worrying and relax in him, trusting that he will take care of you. You also use God as your support and strength. You place yourself in his hand in order for him to sustain you. You don't rely on yourself. I know we hear this example a lot, but when you are about to sit in a chair, you don't hesitate and ask yourself  "Will this chair hold me up?" No, you, without thinking and worrying, put your faith in the chair trusting that you will not fall and that the chair can hold you up. Think of God as the chair. Trust him without thinking. Trust him like a little child ( Mark 10:15, Luke 18:17). A little child lives in complete trust from the time brought into the world. They don't ask questions and worry about this and that. Instead, they trust in the one who is taking care of them. They are resting in their parents/guardians. Do you not know that God is your heavenly father. He said that he knows about everything you have need of ( Matthew 6:32), and that he knows and will give good gifts to those who ask him ( Matthew 7:11). Trust is evolutionary. You must build it up! Build up some confidence in your heavenly father.  
  You must also wait patiently for him. You must do nothing but what the Lord tells you to do. Sometimes, God will not answer you right away. What are you going to do then, curse God and die? No, you should keep and hold on to your faith, and wait for his answer in patience. Remember, God's timing is the right timing. Usually, when he doesn't answer right away it means that he is trying to teach you something about patience, trust, and his timing.
   Don't get upset about those wicked people on the job, at school, on TV, with business and positions. Don't beat yourself up over how they're making more money than you, or how they have better grades than you, or how they seem ( I say seem because in reality, you have prospering more than them because your father owns and rules over everything. You are a child of God, for crying out loud! Don't try to compare yourself with the wicked. You are not like the wicked!) to prosper in their evil doings. Don't get upset, better yet, refuse to get upset. Don't try to get revenge on the wicked! Why, you ask? It's because soon and very soon, God will destroy the wicked and ungodly and the ones who reject his Son Jesus Christ and refuse salvation! In a little while, the wicked shall not be! The wicked will soon be cut off! However, those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint ( Isaiah 40:31). Those what wait upon him, not that is another lesson for another time, but those that wait upon the Lord shall, ultimately, dwell and inherit the earth! Hallelujah! Glory to God!


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