Living Life in the Word Lesson 14: Peace

Theme Scripture: Galatians 5:22
"But the fruit of the Spirit is... peace..."

   As we continue through this journey of learning about the fruit of the Spirit, we come to the topic of peace. In this lesson, we will talk about the two types of peace in relation to God and how they are received.
   First of all, in order to understand peace in general, you must understand that peace is divided into two sub-categories: the peace of  God and the peace with God. Both types of peace are important to the believer, but also the sinner as well. Both types of peace play an important role in any person's life, simply because you need one type of peace in order to have the other.

1. Peace of God
 Philippians 4:7 says "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Colossians 3:15 also says "And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful."  The peace of God is when, in your heart, you have a sense of serenity and calm. It is when you have a quietness of heart that is only given by God. It is a type of peace who cannot understand, thus comes the "passeth all understanding" part of Philippians 4:7. This peace is not man-made nor man-given, but its source comes from the Lord. This type of peace is a gift from and a fruit of the Spirit. This peace originates from the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. You could be doing something or about to get angry or worried, and all of a sudden, you just fill a peace come over you and you are asking "Where did this come from?' I know sometimes when I really get upset and I am about to let somebody have it and right before I open my mouth, this peace just comes over me and overtakes me, almost like God is safeguarding me from saying something that is not right. How great is that! He safeguards us with is peace! That is why we must let the peace of God rule in our hearts. We cannot stay in a complaining and grumbling attitude. Look what happened to the children of Israel when they grumbled and mumbled. It says in Numbers 11:1, "And when the people complained, it displeased the Lord: and the Lord heard it; and his anger was kindled; and the fire of the Lord burnt among them, and consumed them that were in the uttermost parts of the camp." God don't like complaining people. Complaining is a sign of ungratefulness and thankfulness. Complaining tells God, " If I was in charge, I would do a better job than you." God don't like that. God destroyed his own people for just for complaining. Are you much better than they? Do you think you could do the same thing and not get the same results that the Israelites got? My bible tells me God is not a respecter of persons (Acts 10: 34). If they got it, you gonna get it, if you do the same thing they did. The only difference between the children of Israel and the church is Jesus. And because of Jesus, God is a little more merciful and lenient. However, that does not mean he will stop correction. That is why we must always be thankful, like Colossians 3:15 says.

2. Peace with God
Romans 5:1 says "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:" This verse sums up everything I can possibly say about peace with God. Peace with God comes through the means of justification, which comes by the means of Jesus Christ. Now, what is justification? As my grandmother would put it, justification is when God cleans your record and overlooks your sin as if you have never committed it. When we come into Christ, all sins have been forgiven and forgotten, to the point where it is like we never committed any sin. It is like a clean slate and a new beginning. Therefore, because of Christ justifying us, we have peace with God. No know, when you you were about to get into a fight, but you and the person worked things out, and now when people ask what happened you say "we cool"? Well, that is what peace with God is. Peace with God is when the person is denied judgment and becomes friends with God, thus eliminating all charges and tension between the person and God. Therefore, we call it peace with God. The only way to get peace with God and become friends with God is by accepting his only son Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Once you receive salvation, you receive peace with God and are, therefore, enabled to receive the peace of God.

(For more information about Salvation or to receive Salvation [accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior], we go to Living Life in the Word Lesson 2 or simply click the Salvation tab on the homepage. Or, better yet, just click here to receive Salvation or get more info about it.)


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